About KAI
Kingdom Awakening International
About KAI
Kingdom Awakening International is a ministry birth forth out of a clear mandate from God. We are an apostolic and prophetic community with the mandate to teach the unadulterated gospel of the kingdom.
We aim to build a territorial, multiracial, multicultural and multiethnic kingdom community of saints, with spiritual capacity and momentum who are vibrant, focused, productive and progressive with an unconditional commitment to the Lordship of Christ in every aspect of life, and exchanging the values of the world for the standard of God’s Kingdom.
From its inception in South Africa in the year 2001, the mandate is boldly advancing beyond geographical boundaries. Established on April 28, 2019 in the city of Breaux Bridge, LA, United States, KAI continues to fulfill her mandate regionally and globally.
Join the Millennials, they are doing great exploits for the kingdom. Check out their podcasts here…
Engaging and provoking minds towards spiritual maturation, kingdom advancement and societal relevance.
We aim to empower young people to become leaders who make a positive impact in the world by sharing the gospel, serving their communities, and pursuing excellence in all ramification of life.
We seek to create a dynamic and welcoming community where young people can grow in their relationship with God, develop meaningful connections with others, and discover their unique purpose and calling in life.
We aim to inspire and equip young people to live out their faith boldly, authentically, and joyfully, as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of youth and beyond.
- We are a community of saints that strongly expresses the bond of love, care and unity in relationship with one another
- A ministry graced with capacity to break traditions of men (Acts 11:19-23)
- A community of saints where the sound of Heaven is amplified above every other sound
- A praying church that shapes the internal environment of the saints
- A word based church with teachings that builds within the believer the nature of Christ
- A Church earmarked with prophetic worship, spontaneous manifestations and activation of the saints enthroning God in her midst.
If you are in the region, fellowship with us in person this week or join our live cyber church services.
We are big enough to accommodate you and small enough to recognize you!
Our Leaders
Apostle Benhail E. Chris
Senior Pastor
Pastor Cicily Leblanc- Chris
Pastor Betty Isaac
Associate Pastor
Sister Felicia Brown
Leader Children’s Ministry
Minister Shawn Latula
Ministerial Associate